Explore potential alternative nuclear genetic codes for input taxa. [OPTIONS] -i <input_file> -q <query_file>

Required arguments:

  • -i, --input <infile.fas> Fasta file with nucleotide sequences
  • -q, --queries <Unique ID1,Unique ID2,...> Comma separated Unique IDs of related organisms in the database which should be used as queries.

Optional arguments:

  • -t, --threads <N> Number of threads
    • Default: 1
  • --prepare_alignments Prepare alignments for genetic code analysis. MUST BE USED ON THE FIRST RUN!
  • -c, --conserved <N> Proportion (0-1) of taxa from the database that have the same amino acid at a position.
    • Default: 0.7 (70%)
  • -e, --blast_evalue <1e-X> E-value threshold for blast searches.
    • Default: 1e-30
  • -a, --all_codons Plot conserved positions for all codons
  • -o, --output <out_dir> Path to user-defined output directory
    • Default: ./genetic_code_out_<M.D.Y>
  • -h, --help Show this help message and exit

NOTE: Users should have their config.ini file in the directory in which they wish to run Users may need to provide updated paths in this file to account for a different directory location.

Default output:

  • a file inputname_genecode.pdf - Each bar chart in the file corresponds to a separate plot for codons with a suspicious genetic code signal (signal for coding schemes different from the standard nuclear genetic code) if any exist (Figure 8).

Figure 8: Plot produced by ``. The y-axis shows the number of taxa from the database with the amino acid labeled on the x-axis conserved for a given site and the input taxon has the codon in the title at the same site. This plot provides evidence that the codon UAA that acts as a stop codon (*) in the standard nuclear genetic code has been reassigned to code for the amino acid glutamine (Q) in the nuclear genome of Tetrahymena thermophila.